There is a great OA pamphlet called Dignity of Choice which has several food plans in it. I try to follow the basic plan #2 with the exception of having my optional.
San Diego County Intergroup
O.A. REGION III Assembly and Annual OA CONVENTION 2006 Houston, TX OCTOBER 6th, 7th and 8th, 2006 LIVING THE LIFE . 2006 OA Convention CD 4: OA Speaker on Dignity of. Overeaters Anonymous Discussion: Dignity of Choice *specific foods.
"Dignity of Choice" is published with eight different suggested plans. "Before embarking on one of these (or any other) food plans, consult your physician.
It also should be noted that around 1979, OA adopted the "Dignity of Choice" food plan booklet that provided several food plans in addition to the traditional gray sheet. OA Speaker on Dignity of Choice - Importance of a Food Plan. Food Plans. OA DOES NOT endorse food plans. The new definition does not suggest a. #140 Dignity of Choice. This pamphlet provides guidance to both new and longtime OA members.
#140 Dignity of Choice
dignity of choice food plans Abstinence in OaOvereaters Anonymous - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia